BDlot DVD Clone Ultimate is a program that can create DVD clones.
This program uses an exclusive sector to sector copying technology, and can perform the copies very quickly, because it uses a GPU acceleration. BDlot can unlock most of the copy protections.
The program can copy from an original DVD to another DVD, create an ISO image or put your DVD files in your hard drive. It also allows you to remove the DVD region code, the CSS encryption, UOPs and Disney´s fake. It will also allow you to choose to keep reading when finding bad sectors, something often used to protect DVDs from piracy.
The program includes a direct access to check if you have installed the latest available version, and another one to send an email to the developer´s Support department.
The trial version of this program will let you use just the DVD to DVD feature. But you will need to have two drives installed in your system, otherwise the program will ask you to put a blank disc on the unit. You can use the trial version for free, until you do ten copies.